TP: Morning, Little Man. You look happy!
LM: Big weekend coming up, doc. Bachn it with Dad.
TP: Bachelors quarters, eh? Wheres mom going?
LM: Headin out west her and Mr. Leo have a photo session with some big wrestler-type.
TP: Wrestler?
LM: Well, actually, hes one of those M&M guys. Mixed martial arts, I think its called. Or Maximum Mayhem Administrator I dont know, something like that. Basically, a big badass!
TP: For the Soft Side animal thing, I assume.
LM: You got it. Guys out there training for his next big match in April. Anyway, dad and Ill have the place to ourselves for the weekend. Woohoo!
TP: I wouldnt think your mom would appreciate your enthusiasm for her going away.
LM: Aw, I dont really mean anything by it. But it is nice to have some just us guys time occasionally.
TP: Hmm. I imagine it will upset your routine a bit though, wont it? I understand you have some fairly stringent, what should we call them, codes of conduct?
LM: Sounds like moms been bending your ear, doc.
TP: She did call the other day suggesting we might explore some of your idiosyncrasies.
LM: Like?
TP: (Chuckles.) Well, she was telling me about your morning routine.
LM: You mean the thing about how I handle breakfast?
TP: Right. She said you always wake your dad up at 5 for an early breakfast nibble, but you absolutely insist on waiting for her to go down a few hours later for second breakfast. She said sometimes your dad will already be on his way downstairs, even encouraging you to join him, but youll ignore him to wait for her.
LM: And is what you just fairly accurately described, my dear doctor, not the essence of the insatiability of women?
TP: Meaning?
LM: Meaning, on the one hand, she says I dont love her as much as I love dad then on the other, she gets all discombobulated when I try to give her a special place in my day. Would she rather I wake her up at 5am?
TP: Actually, she told me that, when your dads not around, you dont even bother with the 5am deal.
LM: Reinforces my very point, doc. Theres no satisfying some people. Let me tell you something. My momMiss Little Man Doesnt Love Me Enoughis the only one who may serve me second breakfast, and the only one I allow to hold me in her lap (albeit in the kitchen and in direct proximity to the food bowl, but still), and the only one I actually help with office chores.
TP: Help?
LM: Absolutely! The other day she had this huge organizational challengesomething to do with that legal business, wrangling with the Mayor, who by the way finds time to Meet The Press but whose administration cant find $40 million in lost grant money. But I digress. Anyway, moms up in the office, papers all over the place, angst growing by the minute, and who saunters in to keep her company and lower her BP?
TP: You?
LM: Bingo. Besides, doc, nothing wrong with having clearly defined roles for people. Thats what I like about that Downton Abbey series. Those Brits had the right idea.
TP: I didnt realize you were into that show, Little.
LM: Are you kidding? I love it. Every room has a sash. You want something you just give the sash a wee tug and some spiffy-looking guy or gal shows up to do your bidding. Plus theyre all specialists. Cooks, servers, dressers, and my personal fave, the footman.
TP: Yes, I do recall our previous discussions on your foot fetish.
LM: True. I like a good earthy-smelling work boot and I try to keep up with the latest from Armani and the boys, but truth be told, I prefer a good barefoot toes massage around my ears and chin.
TP: Hmm. Lets move on, shall we?
LM: Relax, doc. Its not that weird a thing. Hey, speakin of weird, did you see that thing on Facebook that women were all going nuts over? Nuts perhaps not being the best choice of words.
TP: No idea what youre talking about, Little.
LM: Yeh, I guess it was last week sometime. This video post started making the rounds about some hunky window washer outside a ladies hair salon. Little by little, as he cleans the soap off the window, his seemingly naked hunkiness is increasingly exposed and, of course, with each swipe, the ladies in the salon get all ga-ga.
TP: Oh, yes. Now I remember. The final swipe reveals a kitten in his shorts, right?
LM: Right. What the hell was that about? I mean really. Youre a shrink. Can you tell me what the point was?
TP: Id offer to look into it, Little, but my guess is thats just the kind of straight line youd knock out of the park.
LM: Nah, doc. You give me too much credit. I will say this. I feel bad for the kitten. Hell probably be poppin up on this couch before long. Anyway lets see. Other than that, FBs just been its normal self bringin out the usual suspects.
TP: Like the cops mom?
LM: Yeh, shes always lurkin around. Called me a sour puss the other day. Shes like one of those girls you probably grew up around. You know, the one that would wait until everyone else was in earshot before shed do one of those little sing-song put-downs, like Bobby is a mommas boy.
TP: Speaking of cops. Saw the Huffing-and-Puffing-ton Post article the other day about that officer who rescues kittens. Sounds like he could be the window washer from the video.
LM: Ugh. Please, doc. Im trying to erase that image. Ill tell you this. That Dr. Seuss guy woulda never made it big if hed put that cat in his shorts, instead of his hat.
TP: Id have to agree with you there, Little. Next week?
LM: Wouldnt miss it, doc. Fill you in on the big weekend.
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