Not just another cat.
TP: Come on in, Little Man. What are you chuckling about?
LM: Oh, I was just sitting there in the waiting room thinking about mom’s latest project.
TP: Regarding you?
LM: Yeah. She’s tracking my vocabulary…what words I know. Can you believe it? I swear, doc, sometimes she acts like I’m just another cat.
TP: Hmm. What did she come up with so far?
LM: Well, predictably, the word “NO” tops her list. That, by itself, tells you the list has no basis in reality. I mean, she writes that word down like it’s some grand accomplishment…like, when I say NO to Little Man, he knows I mean business.
TP: You don’t see it that way?
LM: PLEASE, doc! When she says NO to me, it means, just a minute…soon…I’ll need a hug first—conditionals rather than absolutes. Know what I mean?
TP: In other words, you’re going to get what you want, it just might require a bit more provocation on your part?
LM: Right, doc. Knowing NO is not the same as accepting NO as anything other than the first, and may I say, very tenuous stage of a volley that will quickly evolve to OK, just this one time.
TP: Sounds like she’s spoiled you, Little Man.
LM: I prefer to think she finds my persuasive charms irresistible.
TP: Uh-huh. What else is on the vocabulary list? »Read More